Frey, a listed Real Estate investment company (SIIC), listed on Euronext Paris on March 27, 2008 under the ISIN code FR0010588079.
It is subject to a daily double fixing at 11:30 am and 4:00 pm.
Since its IPO, the Group has taken care to implement a dividend distribution policy that is growing every year.
Market : compartment B
Stock exchange : Euronext Paris
Code : FREY
ISIN code : FR0010588079
Indices : CAC AllShares, IEIF SIIC France, CAC Financials
Nombre of shares : 80 625 245 shares as of December, 31, 2023
Eligibility SRD, PEA, PEA-PME : no
LEI code : 969500JTN8BU5BW6UW
Shareholding 31/12/2023)
AG REAL ESTATE : equities owned by AG REAL ESTATE and LOUVRESSES DEVELOPMENT II, legal entity of the group AG INSURANCE

Share price
Proposed 2023 dividend: €1.80/share as proposed to the General Meeting to be held on 15 May 2024.