Note from Antoine Frey Governance Key figures Key dates

FREY Group

«Restoring retail as a service for the common good »

Antoine Frey – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

FREY is the first French real estate investment firm to adopt “Entreprise à Mission” status, a commitment that was unanimously supported by its shareholders. As we know just how essential it is to urban diversity, social contact, local economic resilience and environmental transition, our mission is to restore retail as a service for the common good.
The teams at FREY are very proud to pursue this mission and we are keen to share the major responsibilities and challenges it involves with all our stakeholders. I encourage them wholeheartedly to discover and take part in our project.
Together, we will show how, beyond serving its own interests, a company can also be a driver of major change for everyone’s benefit

Executive Committee

Antoine Frey, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Sébastien Eymard, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Finance & International

François-Xavier Anglade, Deputy General Director Asset Management 

Pascal Barboni, Deputy General Director Development 

Mary Blaise, Financial Manager

Vanessa Debut, Legal Real Estate Manager

Grégory Samocki, Sales Manager

Carine Stoeffler, Risk Manager

François Vuillet-Petite, Deputy General Director


The board of Directors

List of Directors

Yann Briand, Sogecap
Jean-Pierre Cédelle, Firmament Participations
Magali Chessé, Predica
Jean-Noël Dron, Firmament Participations
Muriel Faure, Independant
Antoine Frey, Firmament Participations
Aude Frey, Firmament Participations
Inès Frey, Firmament Participations
François Lemarchand, Independant
Nathalie Robin, Cardif Assurance Vie


List of non-voting members

David Ferreira, Crédit Agricole Assurances
Grégory Frapet, Primonial REIM
Jean-Christophe Littaye, CIC Investissement
Marc Van Begin, AG Real Estate

The Board of Directors has set up three specialized committees operating under its responsibility

Investment Committee


Nathalie Robin, Chairwoman

Yann Briand

Jean-Pierre Cédelle

David Ferreira

Antoine Frey

Marc Van Begin

Audit Committee


Muriel Faure, Chairwoman

Jean-Pierre Cédelle

Magali Chessé

François Lemarchand

Nathalie Robin

Appointments and Remuneration Committee

Muriel Faure, Chairwoman

Yann Briand

Magali Chessé

Jean-Noël Dron

Marc Van Begin

Key figures

At 31 Decembre 2023


Economic assets






Occupancy rate













per share

Key dates

Since its creation, Frey has established itself as the most innovative player in its sector. Pioneer of ecological retail parks and the inventor of a new generation of outdoor shopping centers, Frey now enters the heart of cities. To create new Feel Good multi-purpose neighborhoods.


  • FREY acquires Polygone Riviera in Cagnes-sur-Mer.


  • FREY finalise the acquisition of Matarnia Park Handlowy in Poland.


  • FREY forges an innovative partnership with the Banque des Territoires and CDC Habitat to serve the territories to transform commercial city entrances.


  • FREY deploys its pan-European strategy with the acquisition of two assets in Spain: Finestrelles Shopping Centre in Barcelona and Parque Mediterraneo in Cartagena. And with the opening of a new country, Poland, with the securing of a 1st asset: Matarnia Park Handlowy.


  • FREY delivers the first phase of Docks de St-Ouen.


  • FREY adopts the status of a company with a mission and obtains the very demanding B Corp certification, a 1st for a listed French company.


  • Opening of two Shopping Promenades in Claye-Souilly and Strasbourg.


  • Launch of the Carbon Zero strategy: FREY is the 1st French real estate company to publish a Carbon RNPG.


  • Creation of the FoREY® forestry group.


FREY strengthens its presence on the Iberian Peninsula with the acquisition of the Algarve Shopping center in Portugal.


1st acquisition in Spain with the Parc Vallès open-air shopping center in Barcelona.


Opening in Amiens of the 1st Shopping Promenade®, a new concept in ecological and experimental open-air shopping.


Winner of the development competition launched by the Strasbourg Eurometropole, the largest urban and commercial renewal project ever launched in France.


1st French requalification of a commercial zone at the entrance to a city (Troyes).


  • Listed on the stock exchange under the SIIC regime.


  • Creation of greencenter, the 1st eco-responsible retail park concept.


Our news


Job Meeting at Shopping Promenade Cœur Alsace



Annual results 2024 : another year of solid growth for frey with a 2024 profit from recurring operations up +28.1% (€107.9m)

Company life


FREY pursues its asset rotation policy by selling properties for €224m in 2024

Finance & results