Legal notice
Rennes - Palais du Commerce - Renaissance Project
Owner is the website of the company FREY.
This domain name is the property of FREY.
SA and Société à mission à conseil d’administration (PLC with board of directors) – SIREN 398 248 591
Share capital of €80 625 245
Business park TGV Reims Bezannes – 1 rue René Cassin 51430 Bezannes (France)
Publication manager
Antoine FREY
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Personal data and other data
You may consult this website without revealing your identity or giving any information about yourself.
In the interests of transparency and to protect your rights, FREY will not procure information making it possible to identify you personally, unless you directly transmit such information to us.
Pursuant to Article 34 of the French “Information Technology and Freedoms” Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (the French Data Protection Act), you have the right of objection, access and rectification with regard to your data, which you may exercise by contacting us via our contact form or at
You may consult this website without revealing your identity or giving any information about yourself.
In the interests of transparency and to protect your rights, FREY will not procure information making it possible to identify you personally, unless you directly transmit such information to us.
Pursuant to Article 34 of the French “Information Technology and Freedoms” Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (the French Data Protection Act), you have the right of objection, access and rectification with regard to your data, which you may exercise by contacting us via our contact form.
Setting up a hyperlink to the website requires FREY’s prior, written authorisation. If you wish to set up a hyperlink to our website, you must therefore contact the website manager.
Limited liability
Users use the website at their sole risk. Under no circumstances may FREY be held liable for direct or indirect damage, particularly material damage, loss of data or programs or financial loss, resulting from access to or use of this website or any websites connected to it. The content of the website is displayed with no guarantee of any kind whatsoever.
The information displayed corresponds to a definition at the time the various pages of the website were published or updated; it is provided for information only and must not be considered as constituting a contractual offer of products or services from FREY. Errors or omissions may occur.
Access to the products and services presented on the website may be subject to restrictions. You must therefore ensure that the law in the country from which you are connecting to our website authorises you to do so.
Governing law
These General Terms and Conditions are governed by French law. The language of these General Terms and Conditions is French. In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.
Data hosting
Ikoula – 175-177 rue d’Aguesseau- 92100 Boulogne Billancourt –
This website was produced by Maecia.