Finance & results
2019 Annual results: Frey successfully deploys its growth strategy
“2019 confirmed our ability to successfully capitalise on our expertise in retail and the development of social spaces around our three strategic growth priorities:
- deployment in France with the opening of a 2nd Shopping Promenade in Arles and two openings planned for the end of 2020 in Strasbourg and Claye-Souilly,
- international acquisitions and partnerships with BNP Paribas Reim in Portugal and Eurofund in Spain,
- and the success of Citizers’ mixed-use offering with the first two projects won and several exclusive projects in progress.
Furthermore, our ambition is supported by our shareholders, joined this year by Primonial Group, and by a strengthened financial structure that will enable us to seize all the opportunities offered by our markets.
To sum up, all growth levers are being activated to make Frey the leading European property investment company in social spaces,” says Antoine Frey, Chairman and CEO of Frey.