12/06/2024 Assets life, Company life

Frey : the retailer's favorite landlord in 2024

FREY takes the top step again this year in the list of preferred landlord Since 2018, FREY has been rated the best real estate company by retailers. This year, it stands out on 5 key criterias: Best profitability, Development/works, The best in the trade, CSR, CSR: well supported or not? Every year, following the MAPIC trade show, Sites Commerciaux unveils the list of retailers’ preferred lessors. How do we do this? By rating the landlords, as the survey specifies: “Anomynously or not, and from 1 to 5, the lessors according to criteria of CSR, Marketing, Works, profitability…”.

“This recognition emphazises the daily hard work and commitment of our teams. It testifies to the relationship of trust we have always built up with our customers. Our ambition is to bring something other than shopping to our guests, at all our sites. Our ambition is to offer both a quality space and an experience that will make our sites destinations. This added-value experience is driven by our partners, the retailers. We deploy it together,” explains Antoine Frey, Chairman and CEO of FREY.

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Company life


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